"As Kids See It" - Our Child and Youth Counselling Programme

A counselling program for children and adolescents when family breakdown has occurred and conflict results.

How Can Counselling Help ?

There is no doubt that children and young people are adversley affected by witnessing conflict. Research suggests that children and young people exposed to domestic conflict situations may be traumatized well into their adult lives, with negative effects on their behaviour, emotions and relationships. Counselling can assist to alleviate these detrimental effects, provided better ways of coping in the future and assist in the development of a positive identity.

Counselling commonly covers issues such as protective behaviours, dealing with anger/agression/conflict, adjustment to parental separation/divorce, grief and loss, self-esteem, living in a blended family, effective communication including assertiveness.

Counselling and Support for Children & Young People

The Child and Youth Counsellor provides face to face counselling for children and young people, aged 4 to 17, who may have been affected by domestic and family conflict. The number of counselling sessions various according to need but may be long term. Telephone support is also offered to children and young people attending counselling. The Child and Youth Counselling Programme is a free and confidential service. We can arrange interpreters if required.

Information and Referral

The Child and Youth Counsellor can provide information on appropriate organisations for referral.

Consultant and Resourcing

The Child and Youth Counsellor is available to consult with counsellors and staff in other agencies who are working with children and young people affected by family conflict.

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